Pakistan bus accident kills at least 13 on board including 9 Chinese nationals [source;abc NEWS]-Lumbasio Holman

MANSEHRA, Pakistan (July 14,2021); A traveling bus carrying Pakistani and Chinese dam construction workers on a slippery mountainous road in the northwest Pakistan fell into a river on Wednesday, Killing at least 13 people including Chinese nationals, officials said.

Photo; Courtesy (Pakistani bus accident at the Kohistan district of Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province).

In the accident thirty six (36) more people were wounded at the Kohistan district of Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province~Arif Jared,a deputy District commissioner said.

The incident occurred on a wet, slippery road following an overnight rain but Pakistani officials were still investigating what really happened and the Chinese Embassy said in a statement that the bus was attacked.

Mr. Arif Javed said the Pakistani and Chinese construction workers were on their way to a dam construction site in Kohistan when the accident happened.

Asim Abbasi,an assistant commissioner in Kohistan, said authorities believes that the incident was an accident but were still investigating whether there was explosion in the bus.

“So far,we are not sure whether there was a blast in the bus,the situation is being followed with a of care,but the bus fell into a river and it seems that it was an accident”,he added.

The Chinese Embassy in a statement called the happened incident as an ‘attack’ to the Chinese nationals.

Road accidents are common in Pakistan, where motorists largely disregard traffic rules and safety standards on damaged roads, particularly at the mountainous terrain in the northern areas.

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