Political magnetism rocks hustlers nation movement as Dr. Ruto introduces modern economic model tactics

POLITICAL clinch [Inside Kenya’s August 9 polls] The head to head political showcase under the umbrella of Kenya ‘Kwanza’ coalition through the identified hustlers nation movement with bottom up-economic model tactics rocks Kenyan territories as UDA Kingpin-Dr. William Ruto promising pure niceness concern in ruling regime.

Photo; Courtesy (UDA party leader-Dr. William Ruto during a past political forum)

It is just remaining only one month and four (4) days for the Kenya’s August 9,2022 general elections. Thu, new political tactics for presidency votes search roaring its original condition on the Kenyan territory at large.

The hustlers nation movement and its bottom up-economic model under the umbrella of Kenya ‘Kwanza’coalition through its grassroot and national level leaders gaining a wide momentum for the presidency votes hunting in the favour of their top most priority-Dr. William Ruto.

“Bottom up-economic model is simply a sure bet developmental circle to all Kenyan citizens at any means,hence we Kenya ‘Kwanza’ coalition will transform Kenya in terms of economic growth, creation of jobs, boosting agricultural sector among other issues”, The Kenya’Kwanza’ coalition presidential flag bearer-Dr. William Ruto maintains.

Hustlers nation movement comprises of;ANC party leader-Musalia Mudavadi, Ford-Kenya party leader-Moses Wetangula,UDA party leader-Dr. William Ruto among other prominent political leaders who truly appreciate the opportunity of bottom up-economic model at any means of the Kenya’s developmental strategies.

In a simplistically form,Dr. Ruto urging Kenyans to vote him as the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya for a better Kenya.

Additionally, The Kenya ‘Kwanza’coalition presidential flag bearer-Dr. William Ruto magnificently promising pure niceness concern of advancing Kenya to a top notch progress as various departments through modern projects is a significant fact of developmental circle.

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