Kenya’s Senate have passed the political parties amendment bill of 2021

NAIROBI, Kenya [National news]; The Senate of the Republic of Kenya on Wednesday January 26,2022 passed the political parties amendment bill (National Assembly Bills number 56 of 2021) with all amendments being rejected.

Photo; Courtesy-KBC.

At the battle of voting process in the Senate house,28 Senators voted to endorse the bill while three opposed the same bill.

The political parties amendment bill required a minimum of 24 elected Senators to vote in support to have it go through for the next magnificent level.

Earlier on Wednesday,six Senators including;Kipchumba Murkomen-Elgeyo Marakwet,Samson Cherargei-Nandi,Enock Wambua-Kitui,Irungu Kang’ata-Muranga and nominated Senators;Petronila Were and Issac Mwaura had proposed the amendment which was rejected by the house.

In a statement,Nandi County Senator- Cherargei said that the bill was ambiguous,but it had received a strong backups in terms of strengthening democracy on the Kenyan territory at large.

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