Kashmir’s fresh conflict erupts as 6 rebels and Indian soldier reportedly killed

NEW DELHI, India [source;abc NEWS]; Fresh conflict erupts as Six (6) suspected rebels and Indian soldier have been reportedly killed over Kashmir’s territorial area of interest,Police said on Thursday.

Photo; Courtesy (Kashmir fresh conflict as 6 rebels and Indian soldier killed in the battle ground).

The fight erupted after the government forces cordoned off two southern villages in Anantnag and Pulwama districts on Wednesday night in search of militants.

The police said that two of the slain suspected militants were Pakistani nationals but offered no evidence of approval.

The tactical fight erupted when the militants carried out an attack on a patrolling police bus in the outskirts of the region’s main city of Srinagar.

According to the government records at least 168 militants,34 civilians and 30 Indian soldiers so far have been reported killed this year in the Kashmir’s valley.

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